Signature for the close callback. The signature and semantics match POSIX fclose() implementations and can generally be used interchangeably.
Signature for the EOF callback. The signature and semantics mostly match POSIX feof() but WATCHOUT: on many systems, feof() is a macro, so in this case a wrapper function must be provided instead.
Signature for the read callback. The signature and semantics match POSIX fread() implementations and can generally be used interchangeably.
Signature for the seek callback. The signature and semantics mostly match POSIX fseek() WITH ONE IMPORTANT EXCEPTION: the offset is a 64-bit type whereas fseek() is generally 'int' and 32-bits wide.
Signature for the tell callback. The signature and semantics mostly match POSIX ftell() WITH ONE IMPORTANT EXCEPTION: the offset is a 64-bit type whereas ftell() is generally 'int' and 32-bits wide.
Signature for the write callback. The signature and semantics match POSIX fwrite() implementations and can generally be used interchangeably.
This is the opaque handle type used by the callbacks. Typically this is a \c FILE* or address of a file descriptor.
A structure for holding a set of callbacks. Each FLAC interface that requires a FLAC__IOCallbacks structure will describe which of the callbacks are required. The ones that are not required may be set to NULL.