Append a set of evenly-spaced seek point templates to the end of a
seek table.
As with the other ..._seektable_template_... functions, you should
call FLAC__metadata_object_seektable_template_sort() when finished
to make the seek table legal.
\param object A pointer to an existing SEEKTABLE object.
\param samples The number of samples apart to space the placeholder
points. The first point will be at sample \c 0, the
second at sample \a samples, then 2*\a samples, and
so on. As long as \a samples and \a total_samples
are greater than \c 0, there will always be at least
one seekpoint at sample \c 0.
\param total_samples The total number of samples to be encoded;
the seekpoints will be spaced
\a samples samples apart.
\code object != NULL \endcode
\code object->type == FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_SEEKTABLE \endcode
\code samples > 0 \endcode
\code total_samples > 0 \endcode
\retval FLAC__bool
\c false if memory allocation fails, else \c true.
Append a set of evenly-spaced seek point templates to the end of a seek table.
\note As with the other ..._seektable_template_... functions, you should call FLAC__metadata_object_seektable_template_sort() when finished to make the seek table legal.
\param object A pointer to an existing SEEKTABLE object. \param samples The number of samples apart to space the placeholder points. The first point will be at sample \c 0, the second at sample \a samples, then 2*\a samples, and so on. As long as \a samples and \a total_samples are greater than \c 0, there will always be at least one seekpoint at sample \c 0. \param total_samples The total number of samples to be encoded; the seekpoints will be spaced \a samples samples apart. \assert \code object != NULL \endcode \code object->type == FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_SEEKTABLE \endcode \code samples > 0 \endcode \code total_samples > 0 \endcode \retval FLAC__bool \c false if memory allocation fails, else \c true.